Rechtlicher hinweis

1.- Identifikationsdaten.

Diese Website ist Eigentum von CIRO SPORT, S.L (im Folgenden „CIRO SPORT“), einem ordnungsgemäß im Handelsregister von Barcelona, ​​Band 21610, Blatt 123, Blatt B-25.183, Eintragung 1, eingetragenen Unternehmen mit Sitz in der Calle Congost Nr 16, 08100 Mollet del Vallès (Barcelona) und mit C.I.F. B-59940973. Sie können das Unternehmen auf einem der folgenden Wege kontaktieren:

Aus dem Ausland: 00 34 935 795 021
Aus Spanien: 935 795 021

Aus dem Ausland: 00 34 935 937 344
Aus Spanien: 935 937 344


2.- Nutzungsbedingungen dieser Website.

2.1 Einführung.

2.1.1.- Der Zugriff auf diese Website sowie die Nutzung der darin angebotenen Funktionalitäten (im Folgenden „Dienste“) und Inhalte (im Folgenden „Inhalte“) gelten für denjenigen, der dies tut, als BENUTZER und implizieren die Annahme aller darin enthaltenen Bedingungen in diesem rechtlichen Hinweis. Wenn der NUTZER beschließt, eine der oben genannten Regeln nicht zu akzeptieren oder irgendeine Art von Vorbehalt zum Ausdruck bringt, muss er den Zugriff auf die Website oder die Nutzung ihrer Dienste und Inhalte unterlassen.

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2.2 Services offered to the USER.

2.2.1.- On this website, the USER can, among others, have access to the following content and services:

  • Online purchase of technical clothing from CIRO SPORT
  • Information and news on sports topics, publications or other aspects related to the main topic of the website
  • Content created by specialized professionals
  • Directory of recommended addresses (links)
  • Product opinion forums
  • Solving technical questions about manufacturing materials for technical products
  • Acquisition of products that CIRO SPORT or other companies in its group offer to its customers
  • Access to games, promotions, discounts, raffles and competitions offered by CIRO SPORT and other companies validated by CIRO SPORT

2.2.2.- CIRO SPORT reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or limit the content or services of the website, its links or the information obtained through it without prior notice.

2.3 General Terms of Use.

2.3.1.- The information contained on the Website and the products and services offered through it are aimed primarily at natural or legal persons, governed by public and private law, domiciled in Spain and/or the European Union and/or of Spain from accessing it and/or the European Union, CIRO SPORT therefore declines any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from access from jurisdictions where the distribution or use of these elements may be contrary to the regulations in force in that country .

2.3.2.- The content and services offered through this website are intended for use by persons of legal age. The purchase of products by minors without the consent of their legal guardian is prohibited. Those responsible for purchases made by minors through the falsification of data are liable under Spanish and European law.

2.3.3.- Access to the website implies the acceptance by the USER of the conditions for the processing of his personal data described in the Privacy Policy. In any case, the USER may refrain from accessing the content or unsubscribe from the services.

2.3.4.- CIRO SPORT obtains the content contained on the website from sources that are considered reliable. However, it cannot be guaranteed that the information is correct, complete and up-to-date at all times. Therefore, CIRO SPORT expressly disclaims any responsibility for any errors or omissions in the information contained on this website.

2.3.5.- Although CIRO SPORT makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the content and services offered through this website are permanently available, the user must take into account that there may be interruptions or limitations in access or use due to random and unforeseen events may come from the implementation of measures that are necessary to carry out improvement, maintenance or similar work.

2.3.6.- The costs of the telephone line incurred by the USER through the use of the website, as well as any other costs beyond the mere access to it and its provision to the USER, will be borne exclusively by him.

2.3.7 Access to certain content or use of certain services on the Website may require the USER to download computer applications to his computer. This occurs under the exclusive responsibility of the USER, without CIRO SPORT being held liable for such actions.

Es sind keine Produkte in deinem Warenkorb!